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I can tell that I like reading much more than I like exercising because I saw on my planner last week that I barely exercised! My project is being much more reading-based rather than exercising which is something that I need to fix. One of the biggest reasons I don’t want to exercise is because I’m too tired from my lack of sleep. But I thought about why I don’t sleep- it’s because there are a lot of things to do these days like tests, essays, extracurricular activities, etc and I PROCRASTINATE. I should be getting ahead on these assignments on the weekends when I have more time!


I’ve been spending my time a bit more productively than before but I still feel like I’m always running out of time. I thought about why I felt that way and it’s probably because I lack focus. When I’m doing my homework or studying for a test there are many times I stare blankly at the wall and think about random things. And why can’t I focus? Because I’m not getting enough sleep! 


I should be prioritizing sleep in my daily life but I usually stay up late to finish homework or study for tests. One of the new improvements I’m going to try to fulfill is to stop procrastination. I’ll take one assignment at a time, for example, an essay, and divide the work then update on Band whether I followed through or not. I also need to study for tests at least two days ahead of time and not just cram the day before. Hopefully, I can make better habits like getting enough sleep and stopping procrastination before going off to college where there will be much more serious consequences to bad habits. 


Procrastination is seriously one of my biggest weaknesses so I looked up some ways to combat my urge to push things to the last minute. I guess the best advice from this photo is breaking it up into smaller jobs like only doing 10 minutes at first. Many of the times I procrastinate is when I feel overwhelmed by the task but probably getting ahead start will help me.



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